This is a custom-built house – If you chose one of the pre-built houses, this would be stated here.This house is of modern design – this relates to a change in house placement rules in late 1999, only houses placed before that time might be ‘of classic design’.This house is properly placed – It is possible for a house to become improperly placed through actions outside of your control, don’t worry your house will not fall down.Each page gives information about your house and options that you can select to manage it.
This house is private – the alternative here is ‘This house is open to the public’. This house is Automatically refreshed – again this is something that related to historical choices. At one time houses had to be manually refreshed in similar way to boats. At this point in time players could have houses on several shards. Players who had such houses when the rules changed were able to keep them. These houses are now termed to be ‘grandfathered’. This is also where the statement ‘This house is condemned’ would appear. Built on – the ‘real world’ date on which the house was built. Last Traded – This house has never been traded. If you bought an existing house from another player rather than placing one, this would be listed here House Value – the amount of cash that would be returned into your bank box if you demolished the house. The two options at the bottom are seen on every page. They are ‘grant access’ and ‘revoke access’ if the house is private ‘Banish’ and ‘Lift a Ban’ if the house is public. ‘Grant Access’ allows someone who is not listed as a friend or co-owner to enter the house. It does not override individual door and teleport settings. Select the option and then target the individual to whom you wish to apply it. This deals with who can do what in your house, should you choose to allow other players access to your home.īanish works in reverse, it removes a person from a public house and denies them access. Although the house sign lists the character who placed the house as the owner, all characters on the same account are also counted as the owner. House co-ownership is account based, when co-owning a character you in fact co-own all characters on the account. All characters on that account will have the same access, though only one will appear on your co-owner list. If any characters on the account you are co-owning are already friended they will be removed from the friends list.Įach character can be friended or co-owned to as many houses as you like. Add or remove players to/from the friends list.
Open doors, use teleporters and access secure containers that are set to ‘co-owners’ or ‘guild’.Lock down items, and release items locked down by that character.
Open doors, use teleporters and access secure containers that are set to ‘friends’. Anything that Friends and Co-owners can do. Place barkeeps and vendors, lease vendor contracts to other players. Release any and all locked-down items or secure containers. Open doors,use teleporters and access secure containers that are restricted to ‘Owner only’. Set the security level on doors, teleporters and containers. Change the house foundation style, hanger and sign. Customize the house (if the house is of the customizable type). The third page of the menu relates to storage and can be a little confusing. There are 3 ‘upgrades’ to basic storage, each increasing the basic storage amount by 20% Mondains Legacy Expansion, High Seas Booster Pack and Housing and Bank Storage Upgrade Code. The account holding the house used in these examples has two of these, but not the third. #Ultima online forever meta rog upgrade.